
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friday in a nutshell

The day began with some sweet mother-daughter bonding at the outlets, and continued with a serious shoe safari courtesy of DSW.

A full day of shopping works up quite the appetite, so when Miss B hit me up with the proposition of meeting for some grub, I said absolutely but with ONE condition— our dinner spot had to be near fro yo (since my stomach is ALWAYS thinking at least one step ahead).

Miss B, in her infinite wisdom, chose the perfect place: Uncle Julio's.


Free chips and salsa just aren't complete w/o non-free queso and guac!

BBQ Chicken Quesadilla... or at least what's left of it.

Pretty, pretty swirl

Highest Light:
Splitting an entrée... the good (for-my-body) deed negates ALL those pesky calories right?!


Yup, two of these.

Lowest light:
Managed to forget snapshots of US hoovering the deliciousness AND the only healthful thing we had all evening... we shall meet again YogiBerry.

And there you have it... another fabulous Friday in the books— hope everyone else is weekending in style!

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