
Monday, August 2, 2010

Food, Friends, Firespitting?!

S & J were oh-so-kind as to invite the whole gang to their neck of the woods for a BBQ over the weekend. Few things are better than getting together with this bunch— lots of laughs, loads of great food... and for the first time ever: FIRESPITTING!


First up: my contribution to the bbq— the ooey gooeyist mac n' cheese of all time. Nothing redeeming about this recipe (which actually isn't even a recipe so much as a bunch of cheese with heavy whip and butter). Special occasions call for especially decadent tastiness.



4 other cheeses.

Almost there.

Mix in elbows, pop in the oven for an hour or so. Don't even look like pouring breadcrumbs over this goodness! (I'm actually anti-breadcrumbs in ANY mac n' cheese to be perfectly honest)

All the other delicious bbq fare--


Miss Mac and Bella

Pretty respectable daytime conversation... I'd even go so far as to say "innocent."

As soon as the sun set, did somebody say Johnnie Walker TROUBLE?

So it begins...

Bottoms up— until the bottle was emptied (womp, womp).

Asked Amwilli to take a picture of me and the girls (as all the other boys were doing). THIS is what ended up on the camera... Thaaanks, dear.

I hope Miss Mac doesn't mind that I yoinked the one from her page to make up for Mr. Willi's ineptitude.

Bet you thought I forgot, but really— how could I?


Guess that's what Johnnie Walker will get you. See you crazies in Philly :)

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