
Monday, August 9, 2010

A Tale of Two Hikes

This past weekend was full of all things food and wine. Between our pizza, delicious desserts, and date night at Iron Bridge Wine Company, our bellies were full and our tolerances were higher than normal.

We needed a remedy, STAT!

Step One: put down the food and put away the booze.
Step Two: get some sleep.
Step Three: eat a nutritious breakfast.
Step Four: get and keep your booty moving.

Sunday's hike was at Sugarloaf Mountain, or "the mountain," as we like to refer to it.

What a ham!


Monday's outing was quite the treat— JC and her adorable poochies, Bentley and Smoky, schlepped all the way from Baltimore to join us for a late morning walk in Black Hill Regional Park. [Note: I got a red "misspelled" squiggle under 'poochies' but not 'schlepped.' Go fig.]

About to meet new friends!

What would an introduction be without a nice, long butt sniff?


On the way home...

Day at the park = sleepy pups.
And three large pooches comfortably in my back seat = miraculous. But since the Teeb apparently has personal space issues, she's barely in the picture (womp).

Can't wait to hit the trails again soon with these goobers :)

Good luck to anyone else in full-on weekend recovery mode!