
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Birthday Boy

Mr. Willi turned the big 2-8 yesterday and we had a low key dinner at home to celebrate. Lovely sister-in-law gifted me with an awesome new cook book for Christmas and this was the perfect occasion to try it out!

The recipe was "Baked Shrimp with Tomatoes and Feta." Sounds simple enough-- and it was pretty much the only thing I could put together with the limited planning time I had (about an hour). The best thing about it is it's completely clean and healthy. Only 303 calories a serving (including the pasta)!

Here's what it was supposed to look like:

So I got to chopping. [A quick aside-- meals like this would not be possible without quality cutlery. I would die without my Wusthof knives-- although maybe not if I had some sweet Japanese knives, but I digress!]

Back to the good stuff-- mountain of onions, check!

Garlic, check!

Flat leaf parsley, check!

No salt-added diced tomatoes, check! (Only 15mg of sodium-- amazing for something out of a can)

OK, so basically throw varying amounts of those ingredients in a big pan, over medium high heat til it boils-- then let it simmer for a little so the juices can thicken.

Shell and toss in a few of these babies...

Season to taste-- I hit it with some basil, salt, pepper and a little cayenne to bring out the flavor of the tomatoes.

Into the oven on 425ยบ until the shrimp were cooked through-- then I finished it off in the broiler because I really wanted the cheese to brown and the shrimp to sport those blackened edges (I just think it's pretty).

Et voila!

Didn't look exactly like the photo, but the true test is the taste... I served the dish with whole wheat angel hair pasta.

I would say judging by Amwilli's THREE helpings-- and the amount that's missing-- it was a hit.

After dinner, we had cake (naturally). We're still de-chubbifying from the holidays, so I kind of skimped in that department (which, if you know me, is kind of big deal).

Ridiculously charming though, right?

And pretty delicious-- thanks, Smith Island Cake Shop!

To top off the fabulous dinner and dessert portion of the evening, my kiddos made sure to extend their birthday wishes to their "favoritest" classroom volunteer... here's the best card out of the 20 I hand-delivered yesterday:

Cover: "By Dallas Happy Birthday!! Mr. Willi"

Inside: "Your wife is a great teacher you should be proud. Happy Birthday!! Mr. Willi"

(I have them trained well, don't I?)

WELLLL... Another birthday in the books-- between the two of us we've celebrated 15 of them together. Where oh where does the time go?! Who knows-- who caaaaares-- just thrilled to be spending it with people I love.

♡ Happy Birthday, Babe! ♡

1 comment:

  1. that is the cutest card ever!!! Also, that pasta looks delicious- I'm glad you like the cookbook!
