
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Photo Friday {Week 1}

The fabulous Miss Mac is undertaking a 365 Photo Project this year, and I thought I'd join up in effort to get better at this whole photography thing. 

Here's week one:


Amwilli's favorite dessert, the birthday cake his dad's been baking him since forever. This was the first year he attempted to bring some home, and it sort of survived the ride. Oh, and YES, he does celebrate his birthday when we're in CA (even though it's Jan 5th) just for the cake.

This is what it looked like pre-transcontinental flight:


Chocolate covered cherries (that I have no intention of eating... but they're pretty!)


Quackers and Kelp, our babies before Tiegan.


Amwilli's candleless cake, and my first (unintended) attempt at bokeh 


Sleepy pup


Clementines are one of the few things I like about winter. Great minds think alike, Miss Mac!


The Teeb is obsessed with snowballs (my "cold" submission for DPS's weekly theme ).

I was a little slow getting going this week... but I think this challenge is going to be a lot of fun! (And, my goal is to have us a button by the end of this weekend, Miss Mac!)


Sharing this post with: Miss Mac's 365 Photo Project

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm I wonder who gave you that hanging fruit basket ;)
