
Friday, January 14, 2011

Photo Friday {Week 2}

So, I just realized if I start my weeks on Sunday and post on Fridays, I'll never have a Saturday pic to post. Starting next week, I'll go Saturday to Friday. Problem solved.

This week was unintentionally all about FOOD. Of course there's a shot of the Teeb in there, but I pretty much did a food photo journal for all intents and purposes. I suppose that'll happen from time to time-- because what's more of a muse than food, right? 

Without further ado-- week TWO:

1.9 - "Leftovers"

1.10 - "Showdown" Love Fage, but Chobani was on sale, so I decided to give it a go. It lost. Viva la Fage!

1.11 - "Breakfast" (DPS theme for the week)

1.12 - "Stalker"

1.13 - "Laziness" Could've cooked dinner, didn't. Thank you for the delicious turkey burger, Chicken Out.

1.14 - "Three-day weekend" 

I'm super excited for weekend snapping, AND for having time to actually fiddle with photos before posting. Who knows what magic awaits when I take the leap from straight-out-of-the-camera to processed photos (makes me giddy like a school girl just thinking about it).

Look for more food next week-- DC Restaurant Week starts Monday! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!  


Sharing this post with: Miss Mac's 365 Photo Project
ps-- I made a badge and it sucked :-P


  1. Mmm... champagne... we're celebrating with homemade pizza!
    I love "leftovers"- the photo, not old food.

  2. Did you cook that burger/fried-looking delicious in the first pic?? I want it!!!

  3. @Miss Mac: Luckyyy! Does Mr. Mac have a pizza dough recipe he'd like to share? I've been looking for a good one to no avail :-/

    @Jenna: Unfortunately, no! Slider and onion straws courtesy of Matchbox-- we went there for A's birthday. Scrumptious.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Amazing! That first pic got me HUNGRY!! The champagne pic is gorgeous though :)
