
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Photo Friday {Week 12}

Posting on a Saturday... I'm getting betttterrrr! Here's my week in snapshots--

3.19 - JC's super cute bridal shower cupcakes {can you tell which one I was eyeing?}

3.20 - First batch of Willi Pale Ale {Two thumbs up}

3.21 - Mighty fine subject {Mama Willi's probably gonna want a copy of this one}

3.22 - Our level-headed lobstah amongst fridge chaos {and yes that IS a proof from A's senior pics. I can't get enough of that yuck face... looks like he's saying "ewww" hahah} 

3.23 - Snippet of our photo wall, w/ tons o' glare. Class on Wednesdays = crappy photos. 
{Do YOU see yourself?}

 3.24 - Taco Bar {Pastor, mmm}

3.25 - Miss C, soon to be Mrs. M {and some bokeh action}

Woo for only being a day late! Baby steps. I was hoping to get outside this week, but Mother Nature had other plans-- apparently winter wasn't quite ready to pack it in

12 weeks down, 40 to go!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Willi Wedding Extravaganza - The Photography

This really is an ode...

because honestly, there aren't adequate words for how much the mister and I adore our wedding photos. We more than love them. We've considered getting a security deposit box for them {I'm not kidding}. 

I stumbled onto the Dott Photography site while checking out another photographer. He left a thoughtful message about how awesome it was working with Olga and my nosiness curiosity swiftly led me in her direction. 

From the very first photo, I knew my search was done. But I didn't make a move— because I'm indecisive {to a fault}. It's not that I can't make a decision... it's that I make one, then change my mind a million and one times {which does NOT make you-know-who very happy}.  

After my first visit to Olga's site, I didn't look at another photographer... I just stalked the page for a couple weeks. Ridiculous, huh? But then I finally got it together and emailed. A few lovely emails and one phone call later— I had the chance to work with the photographer of my dreams  

On wedding day, Olga was the sweetest and most calming presence my entire day. Before we even snapped the first picture, I managed to drag my dress across pavement and get soot, dirt, and crud all over it {of course, I freaked}, but she assured me that Photoshop works wonders. How could you not love that? After a few deep breaths, a couple glasses of champagne, and my bridesmaids bustling the hell out of my dress, all was well— and we started on our photo journey. We went all over the strip before the ceremony—and we hit up Freemont street and downtown afterward. The entire experience couldn't have been more fantastic.

Here are just a few shots from our day:

(Click on the collage to see the photos larger)

So, on top of being incredibly fun to work with and be around all day, Olga left this lovely little note for us on our teaser page:

The love fest continues— I still can't thank you enough for being such a wonderful part of our day and for giving us such gorgeous memories! I don't think I'm one of those people who believes everything happens for a reason, but I certainly do believe some things are meant to be. As cheese-tastic as it sounds, I feel like working with you was written in the stars long before I ever called you up. 

I still check the Dott Blog like it's my job! We cannot WAIT to get back to Las Vegas for another opportunity for photos with Olga— hopefully sooner than later!

PS-- thanks for taking a look back with me everyone—this past week has been a LOT of fun!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Photo Friday {Week 11}

Should just change the name to Photo Sunday...

3.12 - Cheers

3.13 - Charming

3.14 - New

3.15 - Obvious

3.16 - Gone

3.17 - St. Patty's {Kindergarten style}

3.18 - "Really, Mama-- Can't I just eat in peace?"

Weather is getting nicer and days are getting longer... all signs that I should be outside this week! Can't believe it's been 11 weeks already.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Willi Wedding Extravaganza - The Eats

Las Vegas is a magical place-- mostly because you can make it whatever you want. The mister and I have been a handful of times, and we've yet to spend a single dime on gambling.

Now, spending several dimes on great food... that's a whole other story.

Our wedding was slightly extremely different from a leisurely night of dining in Vegas. It was a leisurely night of dining times 65. By normal wedding standards that's a modest gathering-- but it was substantial for a destination wedding.

We knew we wanted quality and great food all around-- and I think we got it. {If you were there and you disagree, you're wrong ☺}

First up, we had cupcakes from Retro Bakery at our meet and greet.  I cannot say enough about how insanely delicious our Meet and Greet cupcakes were. More like I can't say enough about how insanely delicious OTHER people told me they were. Sadly, the most I got was the teeny tiniest bite/lick {blick?} of the chocolate peanut butter one leftover in my room the night before the wedding. 

It. Was. Awesome. 

How can someone have a full-fledged love affair based on a blick, you ask? Well, I strolled into the shop about an hour before they closed and requested 3 1/2 dozen cupcakes the day of the meet and greet. Instead of looking at me like the crazy person I clearly was, they just said "can you give us an hour?" Brilliant! I went for a random variety, and it didn't disappoint. I can't wait to get my greedy little mitts on one of these babies when we get back to LV. 

Next up, our reception. What can I say? I had a fabulous time. I don't know if we could have gotten this value anywhere else in Las Vegas or just anywhere else in general. As I mentioned before, we had an all-you-can-eat tapas banquet at Firefly* Downtown.

Our banquet included limitless:

♠ Bread, olives, almond butter 
 ♣ Bacon-wrapped, stuffed date    ♥ Patatas Bravas   
       ♠ Chicken skewers                        ♥ Filet mignon sliders
        ♦ Crispy duck rolls                        ♣ Camarones el diablo
       ♠ Empanadas                                 ♦ Camarones el ajillo

Shockingly enough, we don't have ANY photos of the tapas at the reception! Probably because once the food hit the tables, it was pretty much gobbled up. So, I had to do a little digging. All credit goes to the lovely reviewers at Yelp! 

Last but not least... our cake!

Cake Designs LV {the bakery} was closed when we had our scouting trip, so our cake was prrrretty much a surprise. Now, of course I did my research, but there's only so much you can do from 2500 miles away. The rest was left up to chance-- and I've got to say, we had some seriously good mojo working for us on this decision. Oh, and I made sure to get a nibble of every layer! We had: lemon cake w/ lemon mousse, fudge cake w/ chocolate mousse and red velvet w/ cream cheese filling. It was all under their deliiiicious whipped icing which was so light and fluffy, I could have taken a nap on it {or something slightly less disgusting}. 

So I guess that's it for the food. Reminiscing is making me hungry!

Next up, on this fantastic voyage is... PHOTOGRAPHY! Until then...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Willi Wedding Extravaganza - location, location, location

In case you live under a rock {or just don't pay me very much attention}, Mr. Willi and I celebrated our first wondrous year of wedded bliss this past Saturday... and since I'm not ready to stop singing it from the mountaintops, so begins a week of complete self-indulgence and reminiscing.

First on this trip down memory lane, our location... two words: Vegas, baby ♠♣♥♦

Confession time: Vegas wasn't our first choice {gasp!}. We were knee deep in planning a hometown wedding and it was beyond time consuming. One day, while sifting through an endless pile of swatches, "Sin City Weddings" on WeTV popped up on the tube {of course I remember the name of the show that changed it all}. I didn't really pay it any attention because the first 15 minutes were supremely cheesy {think Elvis, drive-thrus, etc.} Cut to the last 15 and I was captivated. The weddings were... normal... even... dare I say—lovely.

Could we really have a "normal" wedding in Las Vegas? Would anyone even come to said "normal" wedding?

After the show, I called up the mister and asked rather timidly, "What do you think about Las Vegas?" He clearly knew what I was talking about—and he didn't laugh me off the phone, so I knew I had him. 

We're not very traditional, so there's no reason our wedding had to be!

Countless hours on The Knot Las Vegas board, a ridiculous amount of phone calls, and one {yes, only one} scouting trip later, we were ready. 

The fun began with a Meet and Greet Bowling Party at the Orleans Hotel and CasinoI'm still so glad we did this! I knew we didn't really want a full on rehearsal dinner, but a few hours of bowling, pizza and adult beverages were all we needed to kick off our wedding weekend. It was truly an activity that everyone {of all ages} enjoyed, and it was nice to have a party like this that was so reflective of our personalities. 

We were married in the Treasure Island Hotel...  perfect central location and the chapel was cute and quaint. What {or I guess who} really sold me was the officiant. I saw a couple of his ceremonies and they made the decision pretty simple. 

Our ceremony was smack in the middle of the strip, but our reception was downtown in Old Vegas. We hopped shuttles north to Firefly* at The Plaza for an all-you-can-eat tapas banquet. The food was superb, our space {although awkwardly designed} was set up beautifully and the staff was just phenomenal.

After the reception, we headed back to the strip for an impromptu after party at Blush at the Wynn. More booze, giant velvet couches and awesome music. What more could a girl ask for?

All in all, the Willi Wedding Extravaganza was pretty stinkin' awesome. Which makes sharing these details oh-so-fun! 

Next installment... the EATS! I know you're excited {I certainly am}.

Stay tuned...


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Photo Friday {Week 10}

Please excuse the Sunday edition this week... I was a bit preoccupied this weekend ☺ 

3.5 - Cuteness.

3.6 - Dip and Squeeze all. day. long.

3.7 - Netipot all. night. long. {Yeah, I'm a nerd... but it works!}

3.8 - Best Ledo Pizza outside of CP, for sure!

3.10 - Men at work {probably some women too}

3.11 - Lovely surprise. 
Who has two thumbs and walked in to this little goody on Friday?

Hoping to get back on a Friday schedule next week. We'll see how that goes!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

One year ago today...

I made the best decision of life, with the most amazing man, surrounded by the people we love the most. 

We began making our lifetime of memories {runaway tooth, anyone?}...
          strengthened old friendships {wouldn't have been anything without you guys!}...
                    and forged new ones {Happy Anniversary, Olga! ♥}. 

Dearest Husband,
        Oftentimes 'I love you' just doesn't cover it. So to stop way short of the cheesiest of  references {think Jerry Maguire}, I will just say: you make me better—and I'm glad I get to keep you.

Your Wife
PS-- Thank you for bucking tradition and not getting me paper for our first anniversary. 

To commemorate the awesomeness that is our marriage, I'm taking a page right out of Miss Mac's book and devoting this coming week to all things Willi Wedding Extravaganza. {Thievery Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, no?}

To be continued...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Photo Friday - {Weeks 8 & 9}

Week eight, not so bad. Week nine was nearly impossible. I'm not a terribly "motivated" sick person. In fact, I don't think anyone is... so I guess I don't feel as bad about these photos as I did when I began typing. 

2.19 - My boyfriend* {isn't he handsome?}

*Yeah, yeah— technically he's my husband– but sometimes that sounds so matronly... and live-in lovahh just does nothing for me. Boyfriend it is!

2.20 - Turkey taco night

2.21 - Date Night

2.22 - Sad. {These flowers were pathetic-- lasted A day.}

2.23 - Surveying the scene

2.24 - Kitschy lights

2.25 - Waffles, from scratch. {Best recipe everrrr.}

2.26 Bootleg

2.27 - La Bibliotheque

2.28 - Cute ride

3.1 Chemical peel

3.2 - Ridiculousness. {Some lazy mo left this outside our building.} 

3.3 - Fire hose thingy

3.4 - Knock, knock

And just like that, I'm out of photo space. Guess I have to buy more now, eesh. I shall return when said space has been purchased. Until then, have a great weekend everyone!