
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Photo Friday {Week 12}

Posting on a Saturday... I'm getting betttterrrr! Here's my week in snapshots--

3.19 - JC's super cute bridal shower cupcakes {can you tell which one I was eyeing?}

3.20 - First batch of Willi Pale Ale {Two thumbs up}

3.21 - Mighty fine subject {Mama Willi's probably gonna want a copy of this one}

3.22 - Our level-headed lobstah amongst fridge chaos {and yes that IS a proof from A's senior pics. I can't get enough of that yuck face... looks like he's saying "ewww" hahah} 

3.23 - Snippet of our photo wall, w/ tons o' glare. Class on Wednesdays = crappy photos. 
{Do YOU see yourself?}

 3.24 - Taco Bar {Pastor, mmm}

3.25 - Miss C, soon to be Mrs. M {and some bokeh action}

Woo for only being a day late! Baby steps. I was hoping to get outside this week, but Mother Nature had other plans-- apparently winter wasn't quite ready to pack it in

12 weeks down, 40 to go!


  1. omg YES i'm so glad his senior made it not only on your fridge, but also on your blog haha. that really should have been the one they put in the yearbook...

  2. lol -- I too can't get enough of the yuck face. I think its totally classic that you have that on the fridge :)
