
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Easy protein-packed breakfast

Working 7ish to 4ish certainly has it's advantages—most of which come on the 4ish end of things. 

I wouldn't classify myself as a morning person, but it's not that I mind getting out of bed... it's just that I'd rather make my way to the couch and watch Saved by the Bell than get myself fed and out the door. 

Last week, I figured out a way I could eat a nutritious meal and still get my Zack Morris fix: BATCH cooking! The winning recipe was Mac Muffins, a creation of SparkFriend and Quest Protein Bar-sponsored athlete, Rachel Mac. This is a great recipe because, as the blog title says, it's easy and protein-packed. Easy is good {for lazy people like me} and protein is wonderful {because it keeps you full and helps strengthen and build muscles}. 

Here's what you'll need:

  • 8x8 pan, cooking spray, egg whites, oats, canadian bacon {Rachel has the exact values here}. I didn't follow the measurements exactly, so do what works best for you!

Now here's what you'll do:
  • Preheat your oven to 350º
  • Evenly coat your pan with cooking spray
  • Pour a layer of egg whites
  • Sprinkle in oats
  • Place 4 slices of canadian bacon on your layer
  • Bake for about 10 minutes
  • Rinse and repeat until all your ingredients are gone!
I ended up with 3 layers and it was perfect for us. I also added some shredded cheese to the top layer. This is a great recipe to experiment with as far as portion sizes, seasonings, cheese and the meat and grain you use. 

Layer 1

Layer 2

Layer 3

Mac Muffins! 

This recipes makes 4 servings, and you end up with a yummy breakfast "lasagna" type dish. It puffs up like a soufflé because of the eggs, but falls shortly after you take it out of the oven. You might want to place your baking dish on a pan to prevent possible spillage. 

I reheated my Mac Muffins in the toaster oven on 300º for about 10 minutes. I tried a few different ways of eating them during the week {as one big piece, sliced in half with cheese, and sliced in half with salsa}. The winning variation was sliced in half with cheese in the middle {like a sandwich}. 

If you're looking for a tasty, easy-to-prepare/customize AND healthful breakfast, give these a try! 


  1. Dont you just Love Rachel!?! :) I've made these - they are great! My son even likes them! And Quest bars - YUM!

  2. These are so amazing!!!! Love Rachel Mac! Thanks!
