
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Closing time.

The hubster dreamt up a whole new reason for gift-giving-- closing on a house! My oh-so-clever boy got me a Giants jersey, but not just any old Giants player-- Brian Wilson, my favorite CLOSER. Get it?!

Thanks babe!

Brian Wilson is sadly on the DL for Tommy Johns, but here's a look back at his healthier days-- 

Can't wait to wear my jersey when the Giant are in town in July (forgive me, Nats)! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Seeing stripes.

I have a love/hate relationship with painting, as I'm sure most people do. I like picking colors (came dangerously close to hyperventilating in the Valspar section at the local big box). OK, but I love planning accent walls (failed miserably with the chalk level, laser level, and meter stick). But seriously-- I can't get enough of actually getting the paint on the walls (I have paint in places I don't even care to mention).

So, basically, I have a hate/hate relationship with painting. Luckily, I have a wonderful husband who encourages my creativity and puts up with my ever-changing mind. He's the only reason I didn't completely lose my you-know-what when tackling our striped room. 

Here was my inspiration:  

I decided on one wall of stripes (to preserve my sanity) in one of our guest rooms. I started with a plan, piece of scrap paper, and Nordic Blue by Valspar. 

I added a level and a meter stick to the mix. It didn't go so well at first-- then the vino started flowing, and I didn't care so much about straight lines. As I was marking/taping stripes, Mr. Willi was painting the boring walls. 


Got the stripes taped, double checked to make sure I was keeping the correct pattern. 

Had a little mishap with some visible pencil marks, but after a quick swipe with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, the room was done!

Please excuse the iPhone photos-- Nordic Blue is less blueberry shake, and more icy with gray undertones. Overall, I'm super happy {dare I say, impressed} with how this room turned out!

A few notes-to-self on this endeavor: 
  • Use a pencil with much lighter lead. 
  • Don't paint sample colors on a potential accent wall (had to repaint this wall white before I even got started).
  • Don't let Amwilli paint near the ceiling, or in corners.
  • Don't stress over stripes! It all looks straight enough in the end :)
Stay tuned-- more adventures in paint to come!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Constructing Casa Willi

Way back in September we put an offer on this and crossed our fingers...
Slowly but surely, this ugly little patch of grass started to take shape...

I knew we were in business when the frame started going up!


Got our roof on just in time for the random snowstorm this past winter {random only because we didn't really have a winter this year}.
Back to unseasonably warm temps... and pretty sunsets...

Let the exterior beautification begin!






From a patch of dirt to a house all in about 5 months {November - April}. I normally consider myself a pretty patient person, but this process really tested my limits. We've been in for about a week and now the real fun begins. I've got a list of projects a mile long, and way too many hours of HGTV under my belt for my own good ☺

I'm excited to make this little house a home sweet home for us.